Application for Membership Form foster business, cultural, sporting and social interchange between Luxembourg and the Isle of Man.

First name
Last name
Street, Number
Post code, City
I would like to become an individual member, (€50)
We would like a family membership, (€80 based on a family of 2 adults and any number of children, aged 18 or under).
We are interested in a corporate membership, (€250). Further details will be sent to you in due course.
The LMS may look to post your contact details on their website,, in order to promote business, cultural, social and sporting interchange. Please tick here if you DO NOT want your details to be used in this way.


Payment Details:

Dexia BIL. IBAN: LU18 0021 1927 9205 9800, A/c Name Luxembourg Manx Society

Contact Details:

The Secretary
4, rue des Prés
L-8265 Mamer

Tel: (+352) 621 598 854.
E-mail address: